Grant Opportunity: Grassroots Work for Safe Food and Water

We’re thrilled to announce that this year, we are able to offer mini grants of up to $2,500 to grassroots leaders and community groups fighting for water and food that is free of toxic chemicals.
These mini grants will be awarded to support grassroots organizing, research, testing, or advocacy to help rid our food supply and drinking water of toxic chemicals.
Eligible Groups:
Small volunteer-driven grassroots groups, and individuals committed to engaging others in their community in collective action, are eligible. Larger nonprofit groups with paid staff may also be considered if primarily serving historically under-represented communities.
Eligible Expenses:
Costs that will be paid from the grant include mileage reimbursement, meeting expenses, testing fees, materials, and other approved direct project costs, but not salary or overhead.
Geographic Limits:
Safe food projects will be funded throughout the United States. However, safe water projects will be limited to those located within the state of Maine.
How to Apply:
To express interest, or to seek more information on project ideas, contact our organizers:
Safe Water: Sergio Cahueque, at or (207) 699-5799
Toxic-Free Food: Brandon Moore, at or (207) 699-0805
They will work with you to help craft a project that meets these guidelines. A short written description of the proposed project will be required. Staff will make recommendations for funding decisions to be made by the sponsoring organization. Funded projects must generally be completed by the end of 2020. A short report on your results will be required.
Project Examples: Possible projects that could be funded include, but are not limited to:
- Organize in your community to test drinking water wells for arsenic and other toxic pollutants, and support campaigns to ensure that all people have safe drinking water
- Investigate local sludge-spreading sites to determine whether they are contaminating ground water and nearby wells with PFAS, the highly toxic ‘forever chemicals’
- Work with others to collect and test food packaging for toxic chemicals, such as phthalates used in the plastic linings of bottle caps and jar lids
- Organize in your community to contact processed food companies to demand they eliminate toxic chemicals from making their products, such as macaroni and cheese
Sponsoring Organization: Defend Our Health works to create a world where all people are health and thriving, with equal access to safe food and drinking water, healthy homes, and products that are toxic-free and climate-friendly. For more information, visit us at Thanks for your commitment!