On July 10th, the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) announced that the PFAS Fund Advisory Committee adopted the Plan for Administration of the Fund to Address PFAS Contamination

According to the DACF, this newly adopted bill will provide direct support to PFAS-impacted farmers, purchase and manage PFAS-contaminated agricultural land, and fund research to help farmers make informed decisions about how to adjust their operations. It will also support access to blood testing, medical monitoring, mental health care, and other health-related initiatives.

This new administration plan intends to use the $60 million fund as part of LD 2013 “An Act Relating to Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Contamination in the State”, which is a bill that we helped draft and was unanimously passed by the Maine Legislature in 2022. Defend Our Health applauds this momentous step forward to protect human health and maintain farm viability for citizens all across Maine.  
Click here to read our full statement from Defend’s campaign manager and impacted farmer Adam Nordell.